Friday, July 15, 2011

10 months

Double digits?! I can hardly believe it!


Here are some of the new things Emily is doing:

- First word!  Drum roll please…… “Mama” 

She says it when I come into the room or when she wants to be picked up, so I’m claiming it.  After Logan’s first word of “Dada” and Audrey’s first word of “Hi,” I think it was my turn.  :)  I love it!


-She loves to clap her hands.  We think she’s starting to wave.

-She laughs more at Logan than anyone else.


-No teeth yet.  Daddy’s watching for that first one!  I’m still loving her toothless smile.

-Eating stage 2 baby food and just started finger foods (mum-mums and Gerber puffs) which she loves!  So far the only food she doesn’t like is rice cereal.

-Sits like a pro and is content for a half hour or more with a few toys in reach.  She’s a little scared to get out of that sitting position, though.  I think crawling is a ways off yet…


-She is an incredibly easy baby.  So passive, even when her older sister decides to feed her (a whole jar of squash while I stepped out of the room!), or her brother and sister wrestle her, or mommy’s not home to give her a nap in her crib.  She rolls with it.


We love you, sweet Emily!

[Photo credit: The Studio.  Emily’s 9 month pictures]

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

What a cutie Kim! So precious!