Sunday, May 1, 2011



Over this past weekend, Emily has learned to roll from back to front (she’s been doing front to back for a while now)… AND…


… She found her piggy toes! 

For a former NICU baby, this is a huge accomplishment!  Full-term babies spend the whole 3rd trimester curled up inside their mommies, so after they are born, they are able to keep themselves flexed inward with their arms and legs tucked into their bodies.  That’s what makes newborns so cuddly!  Most full-term babies naturally bring their toes to their hands… or even to their mouths! 

Emily spent her whole third trimester flat on a mattress in the NICU, so it’s harder for her to curl inward.  She naturally wants to arch her back and extend her arms and legs. 

With weekly physical therapy and a lot of encouragement, Emily is gradually curling more (important for many developmental milestones like sitting and crawling) and extending less, and today she brought her toes to her fingers all by herself to find those cute, little piggy toes! 



kathylynn said...

Oh YAY! Way to go Emily! We are so proud of you, you over-achiever. Must take after your amazing momma!

Unknown said...

I am SOOOOOO proud of you, Emily. You are such a fighter and continue to amaze us with your new discoveries. You look so happy! We love you SO MUCH!

Nanny (and Papa)

Lyndsay said...

Thanks for sharing Kim. Something I never thought about with premie babies. Way to go Emily! Your kids are adorible!

Unknown said...

Oh what a doll baby!!!! Love you:)

Larry said...

Emily is really growing well. Looks like about time to update the pictures all three of the children on the right. The pictures you posted for Easter show that they have all grown quite a bit since you posted the bio pictures.
You still don't know me from Adam, nor I you, but I found your blog through Jeff who blogged about his twins who survived TTS, when he posted a link in his blog. Found him from Sherlyn who grew up in our church in Silverdale WA.
Anyway, I have enjoyed being able to pray for Emily and appreciate the blog. Ministering to the young children like yours has been a family tradition for us since I can remember, and that is over 60 years.